• Spring Maker Series Now Open for Registration! Learn More.
Member Login

Membership gains you unlimited access to NextFab’s makerspace. Schedule a class, private training, or proficiency check to gain access to tools and equipment.

Membership Options

Next Step: Consider add-ons below


$129/month Discounted Membership
Unlimited Days

Pay monthly with no long-term commitment.


Add on any of the below products to your membership to customize your experience and get exactly what you need. Each add-on will be combined with your monthly subscription.

Education Add-Ons

NextFab offers over 50 on-demand classes and personalized private training to meet your needs.

Ideal for the maker who wants to learn new skills, build up their education, or tinker with new ideas.

Business Add-Ons

Find a home for your creative practice or growing small business. 

Ideal for an aspiring small business who wants to make NextFab their home for their small business needs.

Pre-Packaged Programs

Maker Series

Includes 2 months of membership, unlimited access to the space, and up to 4 classes in selected departments. Great for getting started at NextFab.

Silversmithing Stacking Rings with Stone Settings

Jewelry Studio Orientation
Jewelry Torchwork I
Stone-Setting I: Basic with Bezels

Jewelry Makers Series icon

Metalworking Maker Series

Metal Shop Orientation
MIG Welding I
Review and Project

Metalworking Series icon

Lost Wax Casting for Jewelry Design

Jewelry Studio Orientation
Casting for Jewelry (part one)
Casting for Jewelry (part two)
Casting for Jewelry (part three)
Casting for Jewelry (part four)

Jewelry Makers Series icon

Design, Draft and Sew Custom Work Pants

 Sewing Studio Orientation & Sloper Creation
Pattern Drafting Basics
Fly Construction & Pocket Design and Construction
Workpant Construction, Waistbands, and Finishing Touches

Textile Maker Series icon

A NextFab membership provides access to our digital and traditional tools, software, spaces, classes, and expertise. You’ll gain education, private training, support, and guidance from our experts on staff – customized for your skill level, interests, and goals. Plus, you’ll join a unique community of passionate and collaborative makers to share and learn from.

We believe in our community.
That the innovative and creative minds of our makers are central to our community at NextFab. How you learn, grow, and connect is key to your journey. We believe that success doesn’t happen in a siloed box but through a collaborative culture.

Member access to NextFab Woodshop and tools

We believe in access to technology.
By providing access to expert instructors and state-of-the-art equipment, from hand tools to high-tech machines, our members can develop a deep sense of confidence in their fabrication journey. We provide access to the space they want to work in and find inspiration as they work alongside members from different disciplines. We believe that access to high-quality space, maintained equipment, and expert staff is central to our mission.

Member access to NextFab laser cutting shop

We believe in hands-on classes.
All of our members are capable of accomplishing whatever they put their minds to, and our teaching structure reflects that ideology. Classes demystify the making process and open a window of possibilities, through our one to a two-person class cap, we make sure you can learn effectively. You will develop usable skills, understand why they are important, and leave class with a deeper desire to learn more and continue growing.

Member access to NextFab Textiles Shop and tools

We know making.
And we’re here to help you.

There is a maker in all of us. The NextFab makerspace community is the place where your dreams turn into ideas, ideas into possibilities, and possibilities into real-world products. We’re here to welcome, support, and inspire you wherever you are on your making journey. We are your success in the making.

Member access to NextFab Jewelry Shop and tools

Meet a NextFab Maker:
Ryan Hyde, Guitar Maker

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