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A place with all the tools you need for your creativity and hands-on-learning.
Our Members
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Each of our team members offers a diverse range of awesome skills and experiences that they’re excited to share with our communities. Whether they’re teaching classes, answering questions, or making something incredible, these are the people that make NextFab who we are.
I’m the founder and president of NextFab, and created this makerspace to help people turn ideas into physical objects, products, and businesses. The best part of working at NextFab is the culture of learning, innovating, and collaborating that we share with each other. My technical expertise is in 3D printing technology, and I have degrees in physics and mechanical engineering, and have worked in applied physics and done research in additive manufacturing (3D printing) and robotics. My favorite things at NextFab are our accelerator programs, because they connect us to great new people and great new ideas.Outside of NextFab, I enjoy kayaking and paddleboarding with my wife, Jill, and playing classical guitar.
After receiving my BSE in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics from UPenn, I wanted more hands-on experience, and NextFab seemed a great way to get it. I was also looking for a position with a variety of day-to-day activities rather than a show-up-at-8-am-and-wear-a-suit-while-designing-fixtures-all-day kind of gig. Some of my favorite projects I’ve helped fabricate is a toss-up between the SEPTA head houses at 40th and Market (since that’s a large-scale public art project and close to my home), and various projects we’ve done for GE (since it’s a client with some real name recognition, which is nice when telling your parents about the work you do). The bed plates we cut every semester for the UPenn MEAM Department are also probably high up there since it’s my alma mater and department. In my spare time, you can find me reading books, drinking too much coffee, and keeping up with the latest technology.
With a degree in Entrepreneurship and Tech Innovation from the University of Deleware, I’ve been at NextFab for 6 years helping develop our sales department to support up-and-coming makers to meet their goals through products, programming, and partnerships.
I first started at NextFab because I loved the facilities, and the staff and the members are top-notch. At every turn, I see ideas being put into action. It’s a beautiful place. My expertise is in sales, but when I’m not talking about memberships, you can find me creating, doing some woodworking, reading, or hanging with the Mrs. and kids. My favorite project I’ve made to date is working with my son, Harry, to make a table for my wife. It was better than all the flowers in the world and has lasted longer.
I first started as a member in Wilmington, but I wanted to highlight the makers at NextFab and got the chance when a position opened up to work here. Most members are great with their craft, however, they aren’t the best at documenting their process. I wanted to get the visuals of makers working in and on their craft. Hopefully, seeing other makers work on their projects will inspire others to start or continue theirs. When not creating videos in the shops, I enjoy listening and dancing to music, spending time with family, and spending time in nature.
I oversee the service delivery operational activities of the company, ensuring that they are managed and performing efficiently and effectively. I possess a diverse professional background with prior roles spanning industries- managing pre-press digital art programs, patient care, and physical security. I found in NextFab a workplace that focused on innovation and creativity, but also provided ways to directly help other people. I’m motivated to rise out of bed every morning when there is a problem to be solved, and I have a strong belief in the power of shared spaces and resources. My free time is outdoors; painting and drawing; voraciously consuming science and speculative fiction novels; and, in the wee hours, contributing to Wikipedia articles.
I started with NextFab in January of 2015, where I manage and run our Product Development team, where I help and advise startup companies developing hardware products. My background includes product development strategy, hardware prototyping strategy, project management, team management, and I have a BS & MS in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Penn State University.
My favorite thing about working at NextFab is getting to work closely with talented colleagues and clients to develop innovative products. Most of our clients are startups, and I love their energy and passion, and it’s exciting to be a part of their journey. One of my favorite projects was when we worked with a non-profit, Hala Systems, to develop a piece of their Sentry threat indication and warning system that warns civilians in war zones of potential danger. Not only was the project interesting and challenging, it helped save lives.
I discovered NextFab while searching for local resources on 3D Printing and joined as a member immediately. After a few visits, I was amazed by the expanse of resources, education, and opportunities available at NextFab and applied to join the team. I love developing innovative, practical solutions to real-world problems by applying my skills and passion for electronics with the tools and resources that NextFab provides! I have a BS/MS in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University with a concentration in Advanced Electronics, and my expertise in in electronics, Embedded Systems, and Product Development. As the Senior Electrical Engineer of NextFab’s Product Development team, I design electronics, PCBs, and firmware to bring concepts ranging from alpha prototypes to manufacturable products to life. One of my favorite projects was when I designed a Ruggedized IoT Smart Power-Outlet as part of an emergency response system for civilians exposed to conflict or natural disasters. This project was one of my early opportunities in product development, which I found both challenging and rewarding!
With over 25 years of experience in technology development, I’ve combined my engineering expertise with business experience gained during my years as the VP of eBusiness Architecture at Citibank. I have expertise in information security, compliance, information management, and operations management, and my experience includes developing embedded controllers, communications networks, image processing systems, and secure data processing systems. NextFab is all about the embodiment of cutting-edge fabrication technology coupled with education, two of my greatest passions. When not working on IT, I enjoy camping, biking, and hiking.
I graduated from Denison University with a double degree in Communications and Studio Art, with a focus in oil painting and video art. Shortly thereafter, I moved to Philly where I worked a variety of jobs focusing on digital marketing and social media. After several years working in a cubicle, I knew I needed to work somewhere that I could be more creative, and be a part of impactful work. After discovering NextFab, I joined the marketing team in 2019, and have reviled in the opportunity to be surrounded by so many creative and thoughtful people, which inspires me in my own creative practice.
I maintain a studio practice, where I can be found most nights, painting small to seven-foot tall canvases, made at (you guessed it) the NextFab wood shop.
Since graduating from the University of the Arts with a BFA in Printmaking, I’ve dabbled in a handful of areas including woodworking, digital fabrication, furniture design, spatial design, and small business and project management, even forming my own business, Good Measure, a furniture and home goods brick-and-mortar. I joined NextFab as a member in 2014, where I developed my fabrication skills, before joining the team as a Digital Fabrication Technical Supervisor in South Philly in 2018. Now, as the Director of Facilities and Safety, I get the chance to facilitate and watch the growth of so many diverse makers. One of my favorite projects recently has been working on furniture for my home, including an exterior door framed in Sapele with a full-length glass window. If I’m not in the shops, you can usually find me at the pool hall, at a billiards league in South Philly along with a few other NextFab employees.
As the Director of Human Resources, I help coordinate the staff of NextFab, and have 20+ years of experience working in Human Resources. I’m a textiles and fiber artist who focuses on community building and previously ran a small community arts space, curating a number of shows and producing events. With NextFab being a community space for artists and makers, with a mission that’s near and dear to my heart, I’m glad to be a part of the staff, in an environment where I can continue to learn and grow. Some of the most recent projects I’ve been making are embroidered fabric books and a number of toys for toddlers, and a crotcheted large, purple, alligator scarf. My hidden talent: I was in a noise band a few years back.
I specialize in working with entrepreneurs, both artisans building sustainable businesses and startups looking to raise capital from angel investors and venture capitalists. Every day it’s rewarding to see our members grow as entrepreneurs and achieve their goals. Since starting and running the RAPID Hardware Accelerator and Artisan Accelerator programs at NextFab, I’ve gotten to see members and businesses grow and learn in our spaces, which is truly a rewarding experience.
I started working at NextFab because of my love for making and education. I have a BFA in ceramics, a MA in installation art, and a MFA in ceramics with a focus on machine based making. I love the atmosphere at NextFab as well as the opportunity to learn, hone skills, and teach classes. I have expertise in ceramics, woodworking, CNC machines, laser cutting, 3D printing, and installation art. I’ve built ceramic 3D printers, shown installation art works in various galleries and public spaces, and I worked in a fine furniture studio for numerous years. Currently I’m working on woodworking project based mainly on hand tools such as planes, chisels and handsaws. I want to grow a closer connection to the material and how the hand shapes the process while moving away from the reliance of power tools.
I’m the Community Manager at our North Philly location, where my responsibilities include facilitating delivery of the Artisan Accelerator program, managing the studio spaces community, teaching classes and workshops, and maintaining the equipment. I came to NextFab searching for a change in my current path. I had little idea what NextFab was but quickly learned and came to appreciate the community and the space to create. Over the last few years, my main areas of technical focus have been light metal fabrication, furniture craftsmanship in wood, and CAD/CNC practice and application. One project that I’ve really had to dig in with (and am still digging into) is the bass guitar I am building. It’s challenged me to use a variety of skills, many of which I’ve learned here at NextFab.
I started working at NextFab in order to continue expanding upon my skills in woodworking and metalworking. I’m consistently blown away at not only how much time and training NextFab puts into staff, but how it’s an expectation for us to continue challenging ourselves to learn new things. I truly do feel like a (relative) expert on so many things that I had very minimal knowledge of before. My favorite project is a record console I helped build for my house. It’s made entirely out of plywood, but we were able to make it look nice. Plus, it is custom-built for our exact speakers and record player so that everything is inset into the console itself. I love playing guitar, and hope to try my hand at building one here in the shop one day!
I first started working at NextFab because I wanted to use and advance my skills in hands-on manufacturing in a creative environment. I enjoy learning through my work here, and through teaching others, and creative problem solving. My main expertise is in Machining/CNC, welding and fabrication, both self-taught and at NextFab. As far as things I’ve worked on for NextFab, I got a huge sense of accomplishment from fabricating the frames for the “Spit Spreads Death” parade put on by Blast Theory and the Mutter Museum in late September of 2019. It was my first time heading up a project of that scale, both physically and logistically, and to have the opportunity to be a part of the event that they were built for is something I don’t think I’ll encounter again. That being said, I think my true favorite project at any given moment is the last thing I put together from my scrap collection. I enjoy working within the constraints of a finite amount of material in unusual shapes as it forces me to create something unique, which usually end up as gifts.
I received my BFA from California College of the Arts as an interdisciplinary major, focusing mainly on textiles, sculpture, fashion, and ceramics. After graduating I ran a bag and accessories business, working with custom produced textiles and leather. After a decade in the Bay Area, I moved back to Philly, where I found out about NextFab and joined as a member, and soon after was hired as a Technical Supervisor in the woodshop. I love teaching, making, and fixing things—so this is really my dream job. I have so many favorite projects, but I recently made a hand-shaved ladder back chair using only hand tools and a shave horse, a process pioneered by the famous queer woodworker Jennie Alexander. NextFab is such a machine oriented shop, it was amazing to create something from traditional hand tools that can be done with a limited amount of space and tools. I am also an skateboarder who is enmeshed in the women’s/queer/gender non-conforming skate community that has blossomed over the last 5 years.
I started with NextFab as a member in 2014 and couldn’t get enough. So I took the opportunity of a full time supervisor position in 2016, knowing it was a place I could always learn more from, and help others learn in return. I love the different fabrication challenges that come up every day, and helping members think through them. When I can explain something the right way and see the light bulb click on for someone, those are the moments that make this job. I have my BFA in Craft/Material Studies in Wood from the University of the Arts, and worked at multiple cabinet and job shops previously, as well as at a high end wood furniture production facility, and have maintained a personal fabrication practice since 2014. One of my favorite projects was a very specific and highly refined “”work bench”” for a local artist. It had many functions, compartments for specific tools and materials, moving and interlocking parts, and a modular stylized marquetry pattern of my own design for the top work surface and removable table leaf. I enjoyed the never ending engineering feat to make it all work together, and meet the many requirements of the artist’s workflow.
That…or I made this wood pizza as a gag gift once that looked soooo real, crispy and greasy. Still does 4 years later.
I run the Jewelry Department at NextFab and have expertise in working with metal at a small scale. I graduated from University of the Arts with a degree in Crafts, and have had many odd jobs over the years working across diverse materials including glass, wood, and textiles. I worked at an awesome ethically sourced jewelry shop for over four years and gained important knowledge of both the retail side of making and the value of offering customizations.
I joined the team in 2014 when NextFab was just starting its second location in North Philly. This location was slated to include a new department – Jewelry! I really enjoy teaching and the continued learning environment that the studios support. The community, connections and shared resources are a constant inspiration to push myself and each other to set goals and put the work in to see them through. My work day is incredibly dynamic and requires a balance of all of the things – this requires a ‘figure it out’ team spirit that I have endless gratitude for everyday! In 2021, I participated in a collaborative quilt project that was started by NextFab member Kara Khan, where I brought in my jewelry skills by making small leaves that I embroidered onto the quilt square. I purchased reclaimed corset boning from The Resource Exchange and stitched these on as the border. The contributors were all women, including a coworker and a great friend. Sometimes working on a collaborative piece is just what you need to get inspired to work on your personal projects again!
I studied Jewelry/Metals and 3D Modeling/Printing and received my Bachelor of Fine Art. I was really drawn to the creative environment, and I’m excited about the encouragement to learn. I love to read, swim, hang out with pals, cook, be silly, learn new things, and pursue other crafts.
As a passionate communicator with 10 years of experience, I joined NextFab to connect with Philadelphia’s vibrant maker community. I’m excited to contribute to the ecosystem and develop my own skills as a maker. I currently run my art brand, G+RIZZ, and just launched a new apparel line, which combines my love for fashion and style with art. Outside of work, I enjoy exploring the city, trying new foods, and learning Spanish.
My background and specialties include digital fabrication, specializing in CAD and designing for prototyping/manufacturing, as well as animation, coding, and compiling. I also have a good bit of experience in physical creation, where I lean heavily towards wood processes, lasers, and 3D printing. Very shortly after I was introduced to NextFab, I knew I needed to be part of the community in any way I could. I started by spending all my waking moments here as a member and shortly there after I joined the team. Now, as the South Philly Location Manager, I find I’m able to feel fulfilled in my work by helping teams and individuals achieve their fabrication goals. Nothing makes me happier than seeing one of our members succeed in their goals.
I’m also an avid fisherman and specifically catching fish on bait I made, from hard baits I’ve whittled down from a chunk of wood to tying flies. In my opinion, there is nothing better then being deep in the woods, away from all human interactions and pulling out a beautiful trout out of the water from something you made yourself.