When is the South Philly location last day?
December 27, 2024, will be our last day of operations at South Philly. We must be completely moved out of the building by March 31st, 2025.
What equipment will be moved from the South Philly location to the North Philly location? Will the layout of North Philly change?
We are currently analyzing machine and equipment usage data and surveying our members to determine what the equipment list will be. Based on this feedback, we are designing a few new layout options to be announced at the end of the year. Currently, a short list of approved equipment moving to North Philly in October includes the Prusa 3D Printers, Lulzbot Taz 3D Printer, Small Universal Laser, Large Universal Laser, Planer, Wide Belt Sander, Bridgeport Vertical Mill, Acer Metal Lathe, Cold Saw, Pan and Box Brake, Slip Roller, and CODA Mounting Press.
We will be hosting a variety of open houses and expanded tour hours for current members and those wanting to check out the spaces!
When will equipment be moved from the South Philly location to the North Philly location?
Our last day of operations will be December 27th at our South Philly location. We will be periodically moving equipment and implementing our layout changes from January 2025 until March 31, 2025. We will keep our members apprised of changes and disruptions in the shops.
What will the operating hours be at the North Philly location?
We are currently surveying our members and analyzing data to find the best fit for our staff and members, with an official announcement by the end of the year. What we do know is that there will be expanded hours at North Philly in 2025 – stay tuned for more details, and be sure to check out our qualifications for 24/7 makerspace access here (available to current members only).
How are you welcoming the South Philly community to North Philly?
We are excited to be hosting a variety of social events and learning opportunities; including skill builds, complimentary training on our unique equipment, and open houses. As our member traffic increases at the North Philly location, we will be enforcing the use of our scheduling system, Q-Reserve, to ensure equipment, storage, and spaces are being reserved properly and fairly.
Is NextFab selling any equipment?
We will notify members when / if equipment is available for sale.
What will happen to the 2025 Washington Avenue space?
We and the owners hope to see it repurposed by another organization that can use it to provide needed services to the South Philadelphia community. If you know of organizations that may be interested, please email us at info@nextfab.com!