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Join our diverse group of makers, doers, thinkers, tinkerers, entrepreneurs and creatives in our South Philly studios for conversation, light networking, and some of Yards Brewery’s finest.
At this special Happy Hour, NextFab and AlphaLab Gear out of Pittsburgh, PA, have teamed up to organize a PittStop Pitch Competition for hardware entrepreneurs at NextFab. The winner of the competition receives a trip to Pittsburgh and a chance to pitch in the Hardware Cup regional pitch competition semifinal in early 2020.
Come listen to some startup pitches in our coworking area while enjoying some of Yards Brewery’s finest, followed by a short Q&A.
Kovarvic Kovarvic is a consumer health startup developing CALM, a small device that uses pulses of vibrations to influence the brain and de-escalate rising stress.
Pression LLC Pression helps athletes recover faster, train harder and increase their winning potential.
Thrivo Technologies Thrivo Technologies is redefining the way that salons mix and manage hair color by empowering salons with automated technology that eliminates waste, increases workplace efficiency, and boosts the client experience.
InstaHub Creators of a reliable “snap-on” automation solution that uses machine learning to help you maximize energy savings.
Alternate Devices Alternate Devices LLC’s products simplify access to technology for users with disabilities.
Outland Analytics Saving the world’s forests by developing a system to provide instant alerts of illegal logging.
SOLUtion Medical Developing a reconstituting autoinjector whose intuitive design affords users efficient and reliable life-saving care and reclaimed confidence in times of adrenal crises.
TheraV Developing sleeves that use vibration therapy to help people with amputated limbs find relief from phantom limb pain.