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Advanced Metals Machining: Crafting with Precision

Advanced metals machining is more than a skill—it’s an art. Our courses will guide you through the meticulous process of shaping and forming metals. You’ll work with materials like stainless steel, transforming them into both functional and artistic creations. Our array of sophisticated welding machines ensures that you have the right tool for every project.

Safety First: Protective Equipment and Guidelines

Your safety is our priority. In all our classes, including the dynamic forging classes, we ensure that every participant is equipped with the necessary protective equipment. Safety glasses are a must, and remember, long pants and closed shoes are required to ensure your protection. We believe in learning through practice, but not without emphasizing the importance of safety in the metal shop.

Schedule and Location: Making Metalworking Accessible

Our classes are held at two convenient locations in Philadelphia, making it easy for you to join us. With flexible timings and a variety of courses, we make learning metalworking accessible and enjoyable. Whether you’re looking to create, repair, or simply explore, NextFab is the place where your metalworking journey begins and evolves.

Join us at NextFab and transform metal into masterpieces. Your journey in metalworking starts here!

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Pexto Box and Pan Brake

Box and Pan Brake

Metalworking machine used for efficiently bending sheet metal into pans and sheets.
Grizzly Vertical Bandsaw

Grizzly Vertical Bandsaw

Variable speed bandsaw for making straight or curved cuts in sheet metal. Cut thin gauge sheet metal in steel, up to 1/4" in soft metals.
Scotchman Ironworker

Scotchman Ironworker

Hydraulic-powered machine for quickly punching and shearing both flat and angle iron. Ideal for cutting long lengths of metal down to the desired dimension.

Jet Bench Grinder

Mounted wheels made of fine and coarse abrasive compounds for grinding and abrating.

Burrking Belt Grinder

Abrasive belt used for grinding, deburring, linishing, and finishing any metal material.

Clausing Cold Saw

Chop saw for rough cutting through various kinds of metals, which are mounted in a stationary vice.

Jet Vertical Mill

Used to reductively machine metal in a highly precise manner. The Jet JVM-836-3 utilizes a 3-axis digital XYZ table to accurately machine metal parts.


Blade mounted on a table for feeding sheet metal into in order to cut with precision.

Metal Lathe

Used for producing and boring into round or cylindrical pieces of metal. A rotating chuck is used to gradually cut away material to produce a cylindrical shape.

Sand Blasting Cabinet

Sand blasters are ideal for cleaning, modifying, or abrading material surfaces.

Bench Grinder

Mounted wheels made from a variety of abrasive compounds for grinding and conditioning metal.

Brazing Torch

Variety of torch heads for heat bending, annealing, brazing/torch welding, and cutting.

Powermatic Metal Drill Press

Stationary power drill for precision boring of holes of varying size in various kinds of metals.

Plasma Cutter

Cut irregular shapes out of sheet metal, cuts through thick material that our bandsaw can't handle.

Horizontal Bandsaw

Used for cutting bar & tube stock that can't be secured in cold saw vise (too big/small, irregularly shaped).

Roland MDX CNC Mill

CNC tool that can cut full 3D objects, as well as 2D shapes, in a wide variety of materials.

Drill Presses

Used for drilling holes for fasteners or other hardware, pre-drilling for tapping, etc.

Metal Forge

Used for heating metal up so it may be shaped though hammering, bending and other shaping processes.

Belt Grinder

Abrasive belt used for grinding, deburring, linishing and finishing of any metal material.

Metal Stock Bender

Versatile tool used for bending stock into specific shapes depending on the needs of your project. A compact bender leverages torque to make a variety of bends on flat, square, or solid round stock.

Rolling Machine

Used for rolling sections of sheet metal into round or conical shapes of precise dimensions.

Bridgeport Vertical Mill

Used to reductively machine metal in a highly precise manner. The Bridgeport XA-900 utilizes a 2-axis digital XY table to accurately machine metal parts.

MIG Welders

Ideal for fusing metal with an automatically fed filler wire of the same composition. MIG welding has an easier cleanup, and less steep learning curve than TIG welding, and can weld thicker materials.

Handheld Pneumatic & Electric Tools

Air and electric-powered rotary tools for cutting, grinding, and polishing metal. Ideal for pregrinding weld surfaces, grinding back welds, polishing and texturing metal, and cutting small pieces.

Cold Saw

Chop saw for cutting various types of metal bar stock and tubing, mounted in a stationary vise.

Vertical Metal Bandsaw

Variable speed bandsaw for making straight or curved cuts in sheet metal.


Great for making quick cuts, punches and shears in barstock and small sheetstock with precision.

TIG Welder

Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welders utilize a hand-fed filler rod to precisely fuse metal. TIG welds are often considered to be of higher quality and precision than MIG welds.

Anvil and Hammer Set

Set of steel hammers and anvil for forming hot metal. Usually used along with a forge.