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  • Introduction to the Wood Lathe

  • Introduction to the Wood Lathe

  • intro wood lathe class

  • Introduction to the Wood Lathe

  • intro wood lathe class

  • intro wood lathe class

  • intro wood lathe class

About the Course

In this hands-on class, you’ll learn the fundamentals of spindle turning, while making a candlestick holder or a spinning top. This class will cover the safe setup and operation of the lathes, along with a variety of techniques like roughing, shaping beads and coves, drilling, and finishing. Completing this class grants access to the wood lathes at each of our locations.


  1. Each member will be given two turning blanks, one 15” 8/4 poplar blank and one 10” 8/4 blank of choice wood.
  2. Instructors will review the tools covered in class, including the roughing gouge, spindle or detail gouge, the parting tool, skew, scraper, and lathe itself.
  3. After reviewing the safety of the machine, instructors will review the lathe parts and setup, and demonstrate how to set up the first blank and rough out a cylinder.
  4. From there, the instructor will show examples of beads and coves, demonstrate how to use the scraper and spindle gouge, and finish up by showing safe sanding techniques.
  5. For the last part of the class, members will get to turn in their own candlestick holder or spinning top of their design, and upon completion be granted access to the wood lathe.

Upcoming Classes

Classes available for registration starting March 8, 2025.

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Let us know your prefered dates and times, and we’ll work with you to put something on the calendar. Please note we need at least 48 hours notice to schedule classes.