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  • Wood Preparation: Jointer and Planer

  • Wood Preparation: Jointer and Planer & Wide Belt Sander

  • NextFab North Philadelphia makerspace - Wood Preparation: Jointer and Planer & Wide Belt Sander

About the Course

The milling process transforms rough lumber into stock that’s ready for use in any woodworking project. In this hands-on class, you’ll learn how to flatten, square, and join rough-sawn wood to specifications, and then glue up a cutting board to keep. Completing this class grants access to the jointer, planer, and wide-belt sanders at each location.

  1. Instructors will introduce the jointer and planer to members, and have them use the material to practice on the machines while reviewing the safety, risks, and uses.
  2. Members will then have the opportunity to lay out the boards, and go over the glue-up process to clamp their boards up. 

Upcoming Classes

Classes available for registration starting March 11, 2025.

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Request a Class

Let us know your prefered dates and times, and we’ll work with you to put something on the calendar. Please note we need at least 48 hours notice to schedule classes.